Type Of Herbicide Used
Selective vs. Non-Selective
•Selective: Only kills a specific weed or group of weeds
•Non-Selective: Kills almost all vegetation, both weeds and other plants.
Systemic vs. Contact
•Systemic (Basil- Root Absorption): Kills weeds by traveling through the plant’s vascular system.
•Contact (Foliar-Leaf contact): Begins killing a weed as soon as it comes in contact with any plant surface such as leaves and stems. Sometimes called a defoliant. Becomes inactive when in contact with the soil.
Factors In Successful Herbicide Use
Climatic Conditions
Dry Conditions:
Since foliage craves moisture, leaves will more readily absorb contact herbicides in dry weather.
Wet Conditions:
Rain helps basil (Root Absorption) herbicides seep into the ground where they can reach a weed’s root systems.
Most herbicides are not affected by temperature and can be applied in almost any type of weather. However, most weeds are more likely to absorb and retain herbicides in cooler temperatures.
Time Of Day:
Early morning is optimal for application because plants begin to perform photosynthesis.
Use Of Surfactant:
A surfactant is an additive that reduces the surface tension of liquids. Adding a surfactant to herbicides makes them more readily absorbed by soil and vegetation.
Basic Soil Types
Sandy Soil:
This type of soil is very fine and loosely packed together. These qualities readily allow liquids to seep deep down to the roots of weeds.
Organic Soil:
A thick rich soil that holds herbicides within a weed’s root zone.
Clay Soil:
Very hard for liquid to get absorbed. Must be airated.